Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mr. Pot, Say Hello to Mr. Kettle

Just how screwed up do you have to be when the group investigating you is infamously known for such things (naming just a few) as Abscam, the Keating Five, 8,331 bounced checks, embezzled House Post Office funds, and sex scandals with under-age staffers?

Such is the state of Major League Baseball these days.

Loser of the day? Miguel Tejada. Talk about a warning shot at the 5 players who will testify next month! You think Roger Clemens may have soiled himself when he got wind of that?

And who would have thought so many ball players required a drug ordinarily prescribed for attention deficit disorder in children? MLB approved medical exemptions for Ritalin for 28 players in 2006 and more than 100 in 2007. Just as we're coming to grips with physical performance enhancers, here come the "mental" enhancers.

The end is not in sight.